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Business Entities

Setting Up a Branch in Singapore

Expand your business footprint and gain access to Singapore’s dynamic, globally connected market by establishing a branch office in the region. As one of Asia’s leading business hubs, Singapore offers a pro-business environment, world-class infrastructure, and numerous incentives for foreign businesses seeking growth opportunities. Our team is here to make the process of setting up a branch seamless and efficient, guiding you every step of the way.

A branch office allows your company to directly operate in Singapore while maintaining its headquarters abroad. With Singapore’s favorable tax policies, transparent regulatory framework, and strategic location, a branch office can serve as an ideal gateway for expansion into Asia and beyond. Additionally, Singapore’s double-tax treaties with numerous countries offer further benefits for multinational operations.

  • Market Entry and Expansion: Gain direct access to Singapore’s economy and regional markets, including Southeast Asia.
  • Brand Recognition: Operate under your existing brand while capitalizing on Singapore’s reputable business environment.
  • Efficient Taxation: Enjoy competitive corporate tax rates and potential tax.
  • Full Ownership and Control: Retain complete ownership and management control, as the branch is an extension of your parent company.

To establish a branch office, your company must meet specific legal and regulatory requirements, including:

  • Registered Office Address: The branch must have a registered address in Singapore.
  • Appointed Local Agents: Appoint at least one Singapore resident as an authorized representative for compliance matters.
  • Branch Name: Use the same name as your parent company, subject to approval by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
  • Compliance with Singapore Law: Ensure that the branch operates in line with Singaporean laws, including employment and tax regulations.

Ready to Expand? Contact Us Today!
If you’re ready to explore setting up a branch in Singapore or have questions about the process, we’re here to help. Contact us today for a consultation, and let us assist you in building a strong foundation for growth in Asia’s financial hub.

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

A limited liability partnership (LLP) is a separate legal entity form its partner. It can:

  • Sue and be sued under its own name
  • Acquire and hold property under its own name
  • Use a common seal under its own name
  • Perform other legal acts as allowed for corporate bodies

Foreigners looking to register a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) in Singapore must appoint a locally resident manager. This includes Singapore citizens, permanent residents, or individuals holding an EntrePass or Employment Pass.

There must be a minimum of two partners. However, there is no cap on the maximum number of partners.

Partners in an LLP can be either individuals or companies.

For income tax purposes, a LLP is treated as a partnership, not as a separate legal entity. This means the LLP is not taxed at the entity level. Instead, each partner is taxed on their share of the LLP’s income.

Where the partner is an individual, the partner’s share of income form the LLP will be taxed based on the individual income tax rare. Where the partner is a company, the partner’s share of income from the LLP will be taxed at the corporate income tax rate.

The manager of every LLP is responsible for lodging an annual declaration stating whether the LLP is solvent or insolvent.

The first annual declaration must be lodged within 15 months from the date of registration of the LLP. Subsequent declarations must be lodged once every calendar year and not more than 15 months after the lodgement of the last declaration.

All partners of an LLP are required to file an Annual Income Tax Report (Form P) to show all income earned and business expenses deducted by the partnership during the year.

E-filing of Form P is available from 1 Feb and due on 18th Apr each year.

Looking to establish a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) with local or foreign partners? Reach out to us today for expert assistance!

Setting Up a Company in British Virgin Islands

Consider the British Virgin Islands (BVI) as an ideal jurisdiction for offshore company formation. Benefit from its low taxation, minimal compliance requirements, confidentiality, and streamlined setup process.
To regulate both offshore and local companies, the BVI introduced the BVI Business Companies Act 2004 (No. 16 of 2004). This law enables BVI business companies to engage in transactions with BVI residents and invest in BVI real estate.

  • Minimum of 1 shareholder and 1 director
    (Permitted to have corporate directors and shareholders)
  • Require a local registered office
  • Exempted from Local Tax on foreign income
  • Not required to have Company Secretary of Auditing
  • Possession of a minimum paid-up capital of US$1
    (Standard authorised capital - 50,000 shares of USD1.00 par value)
Branches Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Companies in BVI

Dear Valued Clients,

In celebration of the Chinese New Year holidays, our office will be closed from 1:00 PM on 28 January 2025 (Tuesday) to 31 January 2025 (Friday). We will resume operations on 3 February 2025 (Monday).

⚡ Automated Services Remain Available
During this period, our system will continue to generate incorporation documents and director's resolutions automatically. However, certain actions—such as lodging incorporations with ACRA or filing director's resolutions—will be attended to once our office reopens. We appreciate your understanding and wish you and your loved ones a joyous and prosperous Chinese New Year! 🧧✨

Best regards,
Swiftly Team